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May, 2010


Be Teachable In Order To Achieve Your Goals

      - by Bob McLellan


Have you ever been asked by someone for advice and when you tried to make some helpful suggestions the recipient had a list of reasons why what you shared would not work?  In our house we call such a person a "yah-but-er".
How frustrating is such an experience? Perhaps you may have thought, "Why did you bother asking me? You really were not interested in help!" Thinking about such a situation, you might even recognize youself as a "yah but-er" from time to time also.

The fact you are reading this article implies, to some extent, you are interested in achieving some type of goal in your life and it likely relates in some way to the making of money.

In the field of internet marketing there are untold numbers of people who are eager to tell you how to make your fortune.  All you need to do is follow their advice and you will be on your way to a life of riches and ease.  Just pretend for a moment, that all the advertising hype was really true.  How would it make you feel if you really achieved your goals?  What is stopping you?

I wonder if you realize, your greatest barrier to success is really YOU.  How you think about yourself, your self-image, your motivation, your willingness to persist, is a major factor in whether you will ever reach your goals.

One of the key components in success is the willingness to be teachable.  There are a number of marketing systems available today.  If you will follow through and apply the training taught, like following a recipe step-by-step, ingredient by ingredient, you can be successful and actually reach your goals.  The problem is, for a varity of reasons people do not follow the steps as given and end up not being successful.

I realized this again for myself this week as I went through a marketing strategy for a program I signed up with.  As I worked my way through the material, I had thoughts such as, "Do I really want to do this. I am not sure I want to do this step, maybe I will just skip on to the next step."  It was about the time I was having such thoughts when the material reminded me, "This system will work every time, if you follow the steps, exactly as given."

It was at that moment I had to deal with the question, "How teachable am I?"  Am I motivated to push through my comfort zone, fears, or whatever is hindering my willingness to follow through?

How about you?  What will your decision be? If you have purchased materials in the past which are sitting on your shelf or on the hard drive of your computer, this would be a good time to take them out and begin again, following the instructions as given, through to completion.  This may be all you need to do to actually achieve those goals you have been longing for in your life.

Become teachable and you will discover how it can change your life.


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